

The muse calls forth creation. In my lifetime, the muse has often shown up as my beloved or as we often call it soul mate. His purpose was to initiate the energy in me to be transformed into something greater. The connection and feeling inspired by the muse is so abundant and pure because it initiates the manifestation of the passion and purpose of the heart. The muse can feel like music to the soul. It signals the harmonic vibrations in your DNA so that your connection is undeniable.  This is the art of the muse, or quite simply music. The musician will harness the energy necessary in order to fulfill divine creation, that is, it will project your opposing energy, feminine or masculine, in order to birth life energy. The muse is not meant to stay its only meant to take you to a level of consciousness. When the muse leaves, the longing felt in that space is what is meant for you to identify with and discover as an observer to yourself; and ask, what is the source of the longing inside? The muse is the manifestation of your subconscious soul's intention to move you forward to birth creation and evolve you into your highest form, your whole self.